Monday, May 25, 2009

Day One (Mid-Day)

Oh the wonders that I have beheld today. It helped that the boys left at 6:00am and got me up at 5:30 so I could say goodbye, one hundred times (believe me, I am NOT complaining). Beds were stripped, laundry done, and clothes put away before 10:00am. The boys will not recognize the house when they enter it.

I sorted through no less than 563 emails. I still have 36 to ANSWER, but the ratio of unreads to need-to-answer has gotten exponentially better.

I actually READ the Christmas (and birthday cards) we (I) received this year and then put them away. It’s only May right? And in honor of May, I picked vase-fulls of lilacs and have them throughout the house. Tomorrow I will pick more and for my office and the store.

At lunchtime I got together with a friend, and now it is only 2:20 so I have beaucoup hours left to work on the list of things to do around here that I never get to do. Have no fear, reading is near the top. Just sitting and reading, for as long as I want—heaven.

I may not work at the store all week and simply stay home and enjoy the peace and solitude.

I’m keeping track of which “day” it is in the timeline of the boys being gone so I can look back and see when it hit me that I was really ready for them to come home. Any bets?

A reference to today’s Art Quote. Was it really Napolean Bonaparte who said, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” really?

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