Monday, May 25, 2009

Woody Woodworth

Yesterday I wrote a little about Woody Woodworth, and today I’ll write a little more.

Woody is one of the best people I know, and probably one of my closest friends. He and Cathy, his wife, are blessed to have found one another, they are, indeed, soulmates.

Woody loves women. Not in a philandering swarmy way, but in the purest way possible. He simply LOVES women. Doesn’t matter the shape, size, political affiliation (well, maybe that), he thinks all women are amazing. When Woody talks to you, he looks you DIRECTLY in the eyes and LISTENS to everything single thing you say. He is completely connected and present in the moment. His mind is never elsewhere, although he has lots of elsewheres for his mind to be.

Woody and I agreed a couple of years ago to serve on the board of the local merchants association. The agreement is I will be vice president if he will be president and vice versa. Either one of us leaves, the other does too. That’s the only way it works. We work well together.

Doug and I get together with Woody and Cathy from time to time, not as often as we’d like. When CJ came to visit, I told them about him and true to form, we all got together for an evening out. Both Woody and Cathy knew how important CJ is to me and made the time to meet and get to know him. I love them for that.

When we go to High Country, Beckett INSISTS on coming inside because he has to talk to Woody about something. Beckett loves Woody and it is because Woody listens to him and treats him like a person, and not everyone treats children like they are people.

Saturday was Cathy's birthday and in the hecticness of the day, I did not call her to wish her a happy one. But I did talk to them at the end of the day when Woody called me to tell me he was bringing firewood up for Doug’s camping trip . . . so thanks to Woody, I got to talk to Cathy on her birthday.

I love living in Monument, and it is because of the people who have entered my life in the three years we’ve been here. There are so many who I feel as though I’ve known all my life. I am truly blessed in that way.

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