Sunday, May 17, 2009

Well No Wonder

If there is anything to be done, either at home or at the store, I can’t sit still. With two little boys, a husband and a dog, there is always something that needs to be done, it is simply never ending. It is 2:02pm and I’ve been on the move since 8 this morning. And, there’s no end in sight. I wish I was one of those people who could just overlook things like spots on the carpet, or “stuff” everywhere, but I’m not, never have been, not likely I ever will be. I rarely go downstairs because there is ALWAYS something to be done. So when I do, I just close my eyes and try to get done whatever it is I’m down there for.

Having two boys definitely lowered my standards though. I can overlook a lot more than I used to be able to, like the garage. I just, again, close my eyes and walk through it. Every now and then Doug realizes it has gotten so bad he anticipates hearing something about it. But the other thing I’ve gotten better at, is never saying anything. So before I say something that I will never say, he cleans it up.

A long time ago I saw a sign in some gift shop that said, “A messy house is a sign of a loving mom.” Yeah, well . . . I guess I’ll just have to live with the guilt.

What I’d really like to do right now is go sit in the sun somewhere and read a book. I got an email from Deanne last night saying she wished I was in Arizona with her. Me too.

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