Saturday, January 11, 2014


It was as though the three of them were frozen in silence—trapped in an air pocket of stifling tension.

Yesterday I read AND THEN YOU DANCE, and when I reached the end of it, I was ready to write. It’s been a while. In fact, I can’t remember when I last tried to write. I think it was around Thanksgiving. 

I should know that sometimes all it takes is sitting down and doing it. It doesn’t always matter what the words are, as long as there are words. I’m writing this post to remind myself: just write, every day; the words will come.

I’ve been trying (over-trying) to figure out the storyline of this book, rather than just letting it flow out of me. Again, I know this. What I don’t know is why I don’t remember it. 

Yesterday I posted something about wondering why in the hell I wasn’t writing. Someone (one of my beta readers), answered, "because the story isnt ready yet. When it comes, you will write. It always comes to you in a flurry of words. You cant force it, its developing." She was right. She’s read three of my books. There are only a handful of people who can say that, one of the books she’s read hasn’t been released yet. She follows my writing on facebook, at least in part, and comments on it. I think it’s safe to say, she knows me, the writer me.

I love where this story is going and it was completely unexpected. All the energy I spent trying to figure it out didn’t result in this story line, writing did. I worried about where the tension would come from, I didn’t need to, it came on it’s own.

I’ve written almost 2,500 words, or about ten pages in the last eleven hours. That’s how it goes. Zero to sixty, in a heartbeat. Honestly, there isn’t a better feeling in the world. Well, maybe there is, but there isn’t a better feeling when I’m writing.

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