Thursday, January 16, 2014


I had a chance to go to the Professional Bull Riders Touring Pro Division finals at the National Western Stock Show last night. I was given the tickets, and they were amazing. We sat in the second row, right off the chutes, practically on the dirt.

We saw Mike Lee, Chase Outlaw, Silvano Alves, Stormy Wing and so many more ride, and get bucked off! Being that close made the injuries that much more difficult to see happen. It’s hard enough to see on tv, or on monitors, but to see them happen right in front of you, is horrifying . . . and I’m not exaggerating when I use that word.

I took at least a hundred photos, which I haven’t looked through yet. I’m hoping at least one or two came out in focus!

I get to go back in nine days, and can’t wait. We’ve lived here for seven years, almost eight, and this is the first time I’ve gone to the stock show. Next year, and every year after that, I intend to go again. 

As I assumed would happen, my mind was racing a mile a minute with story ideas. All I had to do was open my eyes, and another character idea, or story idea, or story element appeared before me. Even my experience last night, from a spectator's point of view attending with someone who didn’t know a whole lot about the sport, is something I intend to write. 

I’ve seen countless memes about being careful around a writer, they may be analyzing you as a potential character, and to be mindful, if you piss them off they’ll kill you off in their next book. Not sure about killing off any of my characters in this book series, but I can definitely agree with the analyzing part.

I’m tired today. I didn’t get home until close to midnight, and then couldn’t fall asleep from the adrenalin still racing through my system. I felt as though I’d only slept five minutes when it was time to get up and take Frank to school. Writing doesn’t take much physical energy though . . . time to get at it and write up all last night’s stories!

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