Monday, January 06, 2014

And Then You Fall . . . Again.

Someone new is reading my book, and has commented a couple of times since he started reading it. Yep, I said he. Having anyone read the book and comment while they’re doing so is disconcerting. Having a guy read it is even more so. Yes, I know I should be over that by now, but I’m not.

Since he’s reading it, so am I. I like to do that . . . ask where someone is in the book, and then follow along. So a couple hours ago I asked, then sat at my desk and started reading again, from the place he was at. I just finished it. 

And once again, I love this book so much. And now it makes me want to read the next book again too. Which I also love so much. And it makes me want to write. 

I’m having some trouble with the story on book three. I’ve had a couple of epiphanies, and fortunately, I think I wrote my ideas down . . . somewhere. Yesterday it went further, and I had ideas about how I want to write the FMC, which I hadn’t given much though to until now. I also have a secondary character, another woman, I’m ready to introduce. That character will add another interesting dimension to the book . . . but it takes some research before I’m ready to write it. Let’s just say that visiting the National Western in nine days will definitely help. Then again, seeing the PBR pro-touring finals, up close and personal, helps more than the book. (Wink.)

This part of the process is so frustrating. I tell myself I just need to sit down and write, but then in the back of my mind, I know I’m not ready to, which is why I’m not doing it. It’s just that it is so much fun when I am ready, when the story is coming together, and the words are flying out of me faster than I can type them. It makes me yearn to do it all the time. Patience in this process is as difficult to muster in the same way patience is always difficult to muster. 

I just had a friend stop by who asked when she could expect to start reading book three. Ironic, I told her, that I was just writing a blog post about how I’m not ready to write. She reminded me that I promised she would have the third book to read early 2014. She did grant me that it was still early 2014, but she was growing impatient.

Okay, then. Once again, I’m almost ready.

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