Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankful Day Fifteen - Praise

This is a weird thing to be thankful for, and maybe by the time I get to the end of this post, I’ll circle back up and delete this sentence . . . but today I’m thankful for praise.

I had two meetings this morning and happened to have a copy of And Then You Fall in the bag I was carrying. It is supposed to remind me to go to the post office and mail it to the person it’s signed for, but obviously the reminder hasn’t worked.

Anyway, I pulled the book out at both meetings to show someone who asked about it. Both times they grabbed the book out of my hands, looked it over, in one instance, squealed with delight and made a little bit of a big deal out of it (what fun an editor would have with that sentence!).

It made me feel great. Really great. I know it isn’t that big of a deal . . . and I’m doubtful whether I could muster up that kind of reaction for someone else’s book, but I just have to say, I am thankful they did. It made my day. 

I am home, it is only 10:30, and I’m ready to write, fueled by reader and friend appreciation. There is a lot to be said for the motivating power of acknowledgement.

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