Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Day Fourteen - SleepWriting

Today I’m thankful for a good nights sleep and time to write. Two things essentially, but today they go together.

I finished a major edit on one of my books yesterday. What I expected to take a day or two to complete, took almost two weeks, maybe one week . . . but it felt like two weeks, or even two months. I hate editing, have I made that clear?

I fully expected to start writing yesterday, as soon as I finished my edit, but by the time I sat down to do it, it was after 7:30, and had no energy to do so. I re-read the start of what I’m calling Series 2/Book 3, and hated every word of it, all 6,600 of them. So rather than deleting it, which I was tempted to do, I went to bed. Yes, at 8:00pm. I slept until 7:00 this morning. Evidently I needed sleep. 

This morning I feel rested and ready to write. I was tempted to open Series 2/Book 2, And Then You Dance, and start running it through the edit mill, but I just got out of edit-hell, why would I immediately put myself back in it?

So, here I sit, ready to write, hoping that when I open the S2/B3 file, I don’t hate it as much as I did last night. As far as I know, I have most of the day free, which means I have the time to write.

Tomorrow I hope to be thankful for the addition of words, a lot of them.

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