Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thankful Day Twelve - The Mundane but Essential

As I write this post, I’m holding my breath. About thirty minutes ago, my book file crashed. I restarted the program. It crashed again. I restarted the computer. It crashed again. Coincidentally, Doug mentioned he was going to add more RAM to my computer this morning. Okay, I thought, maybe that will help. He added it. I opened the book file, it crashed again. But, on the positive side, my computer does seem to be running much faster than it had been.

I opened the time machine backup and restored the last backup I had of the book, from 8:26 this morning. It is open, and has been open for six minutes, and I have stopped holding my breath. I’ve also done a save as, and my backup is running again, which means I have multiple copies of it on an external hard drive. Oh, and for the super-safety minded, I have two different external hard drives I back up to. 

So today I am thankful for Time Machine and external hard drives, multiple backup copies and technology in general. What could have been a devastating loss, was instead a half hour of annoyance. A welcome interruption actually, because I am in editing hell with this book and needed the break. 

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