Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful Day Ten - Exquisite Connections

I didnt write yesterday, in fact I didnt touch the computer yesterday (bravo for me). Instead I hung with Catie, all day. We went to breakfast with F & B, and then watched the Before movies (Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight). All in a row. I would’ve been so pissed had I seen Before Sunrise eighteen years ago and Before Sunset nine years ago. At the end of Before Midnight, I decided I don’t care what happens to them next. Maybe in nine years I will again. 

I found the first two of the trilogy extraordinarily beautiful. And magnificently written. So much so, that throughout the second movie in particular, I found myself jotting down certain lines, to capture them, because they were that compelling. And most related to exquisite connections.

Because of the nature of the movies, I spent a lot of time thinking about connections. Sending the note; introducing ourselves; inviting someone to coffee; asking someone to get off the train and spend the day with us . . .  and if we hadn’t? The connection would’ve been missed. Who knows how important that connection might have been? How would it have altered our lives had we made it?

The serendipity of connections has always fascinated me. That split second when the chance can be made or lost. And then to think, if I hadn’t gone in that direction, what then? 

Every so often, someone comes into our lives and we are profoundly changed. I was thankful yesterday for a very small world, and exquisite connections.

I have two books to finish, three books to edit, and two books to write. All clouding my brain. I want to get all of them done right this minute. Because as soon as I’m finished with them, there is another book I want to write, about exquisite connections. 

Book eight: A chance encounter; two people who never have and never will meet; the parallity of their lives; in retrospect. Sounds exquisite, n’est pas?

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