Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankful Day Twenty-Six - Giving Up, Giving In, Letting Go

Yesterday someone near and dear to me put this on Facebook:
I’d rather look back at my life and say ‘I cant believe I did that,’ instead of saying ‘I wish I had done that.
I commented that was how I feel about my writing. It took me so long to just give in and do it, let it happen, let go of preconceived notions of what my writing should be. It also took me a long time to let go of the fear. In July of this year, a friend and I were brainstorming pseudonyms, because I was going to write my first steamy novel, and I was afraid what people might think. I still am, to a certain extent, but on the other hand, I’m proud.

I’m proud because it was just another thing I let go of. Who cares if I write steamy books? I mean, good Lord, EL James was hanging out in Vancouver with Sarah McLachlan yesterday. I’d like to hang out with Sarah McLachlan, although I don’t think I have a BDSM book in me . . . if that’s what it takes.

I have another friend, on Facebook, who has confessed to having a dream to write a book. My advice to her was to just do it. Give up your fear, give in to your dream, let go of your insecurities and just write. What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll be in the same place you are now . . . without a book. And the best? You’ve seen me fulfill my dream and I can tell you, there are few things that feel this good.

And in the middle? You’ll write a book, or part of a book, and you’ll learn something about yourself. Many say that writing your first book is getting rid of everything you need to get off your chest. I didn’t want to admit it a year ago, but now I am able to admit, that’s what my first book was. There is a good story in it, if I can strip away the rest of the crap and rewrite it without everything I needed to get off my chest and focus on the story. I’m feeling confident I’ll be able to do that, in which case, I may be left with a really good book.

This year I’m thankful for giving up on unrealistic expectations, giving in to dreams and desires and letting go of fear. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day after that.

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