Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thankful Day Sixteen - Guilt Free at 11:57am

Today I am thankful that it is only 11:57am and my house is clean. Or most of it is anyway. As long as I don't set foot in the kitchen today, for a number of reasons, I'll be a happy girl.

Beckett is at a sleepover, it's only 11:57, well now it's 11:59am, but it's before noon and he's off having fun. We'll see him tomorrow morning. 

What I'm most thankful for is that what this means is that until 4:30 this afternoon, when I have to make a ten minute trip to the YMCA and back to drop Frank off for his volunteer hours, and then again when I have to pick him up . . . the WHOLE rest of the time is mine . . . to write. Or sleep. Or do whatever. Who knows, maybe Doug and I will even go out on a date.

Even though it is officially noon now, the clock is just striking twelve. My afternoon is officially all mine. Guilt-free.

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