Friday, November 08, 2013

Thankful Day Seven - Heather

Yesterday I thought about posting a message, but I’m in the midst of a huge editing project and thus, forced myself to do nothing but. By the time I’m finished, 88,000 words will likely be reduced to 60,000 . . . but they’ll be better words.

What I was thankful for yesterday, was the YMCA. Doug and I went and worked out yesterday morning, and I was reminded again how fortunate we are to have the Y we do, right here in our back yard. 

It is a beautiful facility, due to start expanding in the next few months. The Y itself will gain more space, but what is more exciting is the health and wellness village that will be adjacent to it.

I know a lot about this because I’m on the board. Which leads to more thankfulness. I have an inside track to new information, which I love. I love that yesterday while I was on the treadmill, the executive director, also Heather, spent forty minutes catching me up on the latest news, and seeking a small amount of counsel on challenges she is facing. She is a remarkable woman, one I am proud to share a first name with. I am thankful for her especially. 

Due in large part to her efforts, our branch is a great one. We have the highest market share of any Y around, great programs, an honest to goodness sense of community, and are blessed with a staff that equal her in commitment and niceness.

So this explains the post title. I’m thankful for Heather. I’m thankful for Stephannie too, who brought me into the fold of yet another volunteer position, but one I celebrate. And Ashley. These three women make me proud to be associated with them. I am thankful I met them and get to continue to work with them. They inspire and motivate me. 

It is amazing what comes into your life when you give just a little bit. You are rewarded with riches ten times over, often more. 

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